Our attorneys will work with your business to tailor a collection strategy which will utilize a hybrid of third party collection techniques and litigation in order to maximize debt recovery. To provide our clients with the best possible service we employ an advanced collections software system, a wide array of skip-tracing tools for cross-referencing, and a call center managed by experienced debt collection attorneys and staff.
The Nguyen Law Firm provides creditors “one stop shopping” for all their collection and litigation needs. For many clients, the use of litigation to recover accounts receivables from debtors causes some fear and trepidation. We understand that you do not want to alienate, embarrass, or lose customers by suing them. We exercise the utmost care to treat all debtors with the respect and professional courtesy they deserve. Through our experience and time-tested collection techniques, the recovery of accounts receivables on your behalf need not be contentious to be effective.
A common misconception is that the use of a law firm to recover accounts receivables costs more due to the many legal avenues it takes in collecting the debt. This belief is simply false. In most cases, all of the costs associated with the recovery of accounts receivables will be deferred to the debtor including court filing costs, garnishment costs, and attorneys’ fees. Our firm will review, and if necessary, amend any applicable contracts or forms to ensure such a result for your business. The Nguyen Law Firm stands ready to assist you in preserving and strengthening the financial success of your business.